Question Bank

Paper I: Teacher in Emerging Indian Society

(Educational Philosophy)


  1. How will you distinguish between the following:-
  • Education and Training
  • Education and Instruction
  • Education and Literacy
  • Education and Schooling
  • Education and Indoctrination
  1. Give some definitions of education. Which of them do you like the best and why?
  2. Discuss the differential approach of Education.
  3. “By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in child and man body, mind and spirit”. Gandhi, discuss.
  4. Discuss the meaning and characteristics of education.
  5. Education is a bi-polar as well as tri – polar process. Explain.
  6. Explain a definition of Education, which appeals to you the most.
  7. What should be the aims of education keeping in view the present socio-economic conditions of our country?
  8. Critically explain individual and social aim of education.
  9. Explain the aims of Education as recommended in National Policy of Education, 1986.
  10. Explain the aims of Education as recommended in Indian Education Commission, 1964-66.
  11. What are the chief functions of Education?
  12. Discuss general functions of Education
  13. Describe the functions of education in human life.
  14. Describe the function of education in national life.
  15. Differentiate between different types of education; namely formal, informal and non-formal.
  16. How will you interpret Education in its broader and narrower sense?


  1. Discuss why it is important to strike balance between formal and informal system of education.
  2. Give the functions and scope of education.
  3. Distinguish between individual and social aims of education.
  4. Give the educational Aims of modern India.
  5. Scope of education.
  6. Factors: determining aims of education.
  7. Functions of education in National life.
  8. Explain a definition of education which appeals to you the most.
  9.  General functions of Education.
  10. Functions of Education in human life.


  1. Explain the relationship between Philosophy and Education.
  2. “Education is the dynamic side of philosophy”. In the light of this statement discuss the relationship between philosophy and education.
  3. “Education and Philosophy are the two sides of the same coin”. Discuss.
  4. “Education is a plant on which the flower of philosophy blossoms”. Discuss the relationship between education and philosophy in the light of this statement.
  5. “Philosophy and Education influence each other – sometimes indistinguishably”. Discuss.
  6. Give an account of the idealistic point of view in education.
  7. How has idealism influenced educational theory and practice?
  8. Give a brief account of the aims of education as advocated by idealistic philosophy.
  9. What are the salient features of idealism as a Philosophy of education?
  10. Critically explain the educational implications of idealism?
  11. What is idealism? Discuss its impact on education with reference to aims, curriculum, discipline, and methods of teaching.
  12. Explain critically Rabindra Nath Tagore’s educational views.
  13. Explain Rabindra Nath Tagore’s Philosophy of education and its influence on Indian education.
  14. Explain the Philosophical thinking behind Tagore’s scheme of education in Shantiniketan. How has its character changed now and why?
  15. “Tagore’s contribution to education presents a practical synthesis between the individual and social ideals in Education”. Critically elucidate the statement.
  16. “Philosophy and Education are sharply influence each other”. Comment.
  17. What do you understand by naturalism in education? Discuss the impact of naturalism on educational theory and practice.
  18. Discuss the impact of naturalism on education.
  19. What are the salient features of Naturalism as a philosophy of education?
  20. Explain briefly the contribution of Naturalism to educational theory and practice.
  21. Explain the aims of education and nature of curriculum according to Naturalism.
  22. Explain the contribution of naturalism to
  • (i)                  Methods of Teaching
  • (ii)                Curriculum in education
  1. Explain the Pragmatic Philosophy and its various implications in education.
  2. Discuss in brief Pragmatism in education with reference to aims, curriculum, and methods of teaching.
  3. What are the broad education implications of Pragmatism in Education?
  4. Describe essential features of the Pragmatic school of Education. Bring out its views on aims of education, methods of teaching, curriculum, teacher and discipline.
  5. Discuss the impact of Gandhian Philosophy on Indian Education.
  6. Assess the contribution of Gandhi to Educational Thought and Practice.
  7. Make a Comparative study of Educational Ideas of Gandhi and Tagore.
  8. Describe the educational Philosophy of Dewey, giving its advantages and disadvantages, if any.
  9. Give your views about the contribution of Dewey in the field of education here and abroad.
  10. Write John Dewey’s view on an ‘Ideal School’
  11. Evaluate Dewey’s influence on modern education.


  1. Meaning of Philosophy and education.
  2. Give the Dewey’s contribution to education.
  3. Idealism.
  4. Gandhi’s contribution to education theory and practice.
  5. Western concept of Pragmatism on education.
  6. Impact of Pragmatism on education.
  7. Salient features of idealism as a philosophy of education.
  8. Contribution of Naturalism to methods of teaching and curriculum in education.
  9. Discuss Tagore’s view on the methods of Teaching.
  10. Discuss the Rousseau’s view on women education.



  1. Discuss the relationship between sociology and education.
  2. “All the educational questions are ultimately the questions of sociology.” In the light of this statement discuss the impact of educational sociology on education.
  3. Explain the means of securing co-operation between home and school.
  4. What is community? Describe educational influences of community on child. What are the educational functions of community?
  5. Define social change. Discuss the different aspects of social change, which affect social change?
  6. How far education can be used as an effective instrument of social change?
  7. Explain the concept of human resource development. Discuss the need and importance of human resource development.
  8. Discuss education as a means of human resource development.

                “Education is a crucial factor in human resource development” elucidate


  1. What is educational sociology?
  2. Educational sociology and Aims of Education.
  3. Educational sociology and functions of education.
  4. Educational sociology and curriculum
  5. Educational sociology and Teacher.
  6. Limitations of educational sociology.
  7. Concept of sociology of education.
  1. Values of Sociology of education.
  2. Explain the meaning, importance of family as an agency of education.
  3. What is school? Write in short the role of school as a formal agency of education.
  4. What is community?
  5. What are the educational functions of community?
  6. Define social change.
  7. What is cultural lag? Briefly state the causes.
  8. What are the factors affecting social change.
  9. Explain the concept of human resource development.
  10. How is education related to human resource development?



  1. What is democracy? What are the main features of democratic education?
  2. What is secularism? Explain the social goal of secular education.
  3. Write a detailed note on education for secularism in India.
  4. Explain the role of education in achieving the goal of socialism.
  5. What are the ways and means for imparting education for socialism?
  6. What is nationalism? How can education inculcate nationalism among the students?
  7. Discuss the role of teacher in promoting international understanding.
  8. Write a short note on the role of the UNESCO towards education for international understanding.

      67.     Explain the meaning and nature of value.


1.         What do you mean by Democracy?

2.         How is democracy related to education?

3.         What is socialism?

4.         State the need of socialism.

5.         What is secularism?

6.         What are the characteristics of a secular state?

7.         Define Nationalism.

8.         Suggest ways and means for development of national character.

9.         What is meant by International Understanding?

10.       Write a short note on the role of the UNESCO towards education for international understanding.

11.       Explain the meaning of values.

12.       Explain the nature of values.

13.       State the contribution of educational value.

Paper II Development of Learner and Teaching Learning Process

Section A

  1. Explain the nature of Educational Psychology. What is the contribution of Educational Psychology to the theory of education?
  2. Define Educational Psychology. Discuss its nature and explain why it is science?
  3. Explain the contribution of Educational Psychology to theory and practice of education.
  4. Discuss the scope of Educational Psychology.
  5. What is difference between Educational Psychology and general psychology? Discuss the aims and objective of Educational Psychology.
  6. How does the study of Educational Psychology help the teacher? Or what is the need of Educational Psychology?
  7. Differentiate between Growth and Development. Describe the principle of development.
  8. Describe the characteristics of Intellectual and social development during childhood.
  9. ‘Adolescence is the period of stress and strain’. Discuss the statement.
  10.  Explain the characteristics of Physical and Mental Development during Adolescence.
  11. Discuss the problem of Indian Adolescent. Explain the type of guidance services to be provided to them.
  12.  Discuss in detail introspection and observation method of Educational Psychology.
  13. What are the main steps involved in experiment method? Discuss its merits and demerits.
  14. The knowledge of Educational Psychology does not make one a good teacher, it only provides scope for improvement” Justify.
  15. “The boundaries of Educational Psychology are uncertain.” In light of above statement, discuss the scope of the subject.
  16. “It is the Experimental method which has made psychology a science.” Elaborate the statement. Is this the best method?
  17. Write a detailed essay on methods of Educational Psychology bringing out the unique features, merits and demerits of each.

Short Questions

  1. Differentiate between Educational psychology and General Psychology.
  2. Objective of Educational psychology.
  3. Meaning of Educational psychology.
  4. Relationship of Education and Educational psychology.
  5. Merits and demerits of Introspection.
  6. Steps of Experimental Method.
  7. Observation Method.
  8. Mental Development during childhood.
  9. Difference between Growth and Development.

10.  Emotional Development during Adolescence.

11.  Social Development during later Childhood.

12.  Guidance for Indian Adolescent.

Section B

  1. Explain the theory of learning by Insight along with its educational implications.
  2. Define learning. Critically examine Thorndike’s theory of learning.
  3. Discuss in detail theory of classical conditioning along with its educational implications.
  4. What are the various theories of transfer of training? What suggestion would you offer to achieve maximum benefit of transfer of learning?
  5. Suggest the devices that teacher can use to motivate students to learn.
  6. Differentiate between Transfer of training and Transfer of learning. Discuss the theory of identical element along with its educational implication.
  7. Define Motivation. How will you motivate students of your class? Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples.

Short Questions

  1. Factor affecting learning related to Teacher.
  2. Meaning & Characteristics of Learning.
  3. Educational implications of Transfer of Learning.
  4. Types of Motives.
  5. Concept of Transfer of Learning.
  6. Difference between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.
  7. Process of Learning.
  8. Theory of Generalization of Transfer of Learning.
  9. Laws of Learning.

10.  Theories of Trial and Error.

Section C

  1.  Define intelligence. Give a brief account of the main characteristics of verbal and performance tests of intelligence.
  2. How do you measure I.Q. Explain the verbal, non-verbal and performance tests.
  3. What do you mean by Intelligence? Discuss its nature. Explain the Uses of Intelligence tests.
  4. Discuss Spearman’s two-factor theory of intelligence along with its educational implications.
  5. Explain Gardener’s theory of intelligence in detail. .
  6. Describe Thurstone’s theory of intelligence in detail.
  7. Define personality what are the different factors that influence personality development?
  8. Discuss different Type theories of personality.
  9. Describe Cattell’s and Allport’s trait theories of Personality.
  10. Can personality be measured? Explain the characteristics, uses and limitations of Rating scales, Questionnaries, and interview in assessing the Personality.

Short Questions

  1. Define Intelligence.
  2. Spearman theory of Intelligence.
  3. Thurstone’s theory of intelligence
  4. Multiple theory of Intelligence.
  5. Distinguish between Verbal and Non-Verbal type of Intelligence test.
  6. Concept of Intelligence Quotient. (IQ)
  7. Uses of Intelligence tests.
  8. Major Characteristics of traits.
  9. Discuss any one-type theory of Personality.

10.  Define Personality.

11.  Factors affecting Personality Development.

12.  Rating Scales for Personality Assessment.

13.  Explain Questionnaire as a measure for Personality Assessment.

14.  Interview method for assessing personality.

Section D

  1. Define delinquency. Describe environmental causes of delinquency.
  2. What do you mean by Exceptional children? Describe different types of exceptional children.
  3. Who are gifted children? How would you identify these children in your classroom and what type of programmes would you provide


  1. Define creative children? Discuss their educational programmes.
  2. Define the term backward children. Discuss their characteristics, identification, and educational provisions.
  3. Define mental health. What methods can be adopted for improving mental health of students?
  4. What is stress? Explain its causes. What are techniques with which one can cope up with stress?
  5. Discuss the nature of Creativity? What are the characteristics of creative children?
  6. How will you identify and educate a gifted child?
  7. Explain the term ‘Delinquency’. Discuss the preventive measures to be adopted by home and school to deal with the problem.
  8. Explain the concept by Backwardness? What are the causes of educational backwardness? Suggest remedial programmes for the backward child.

Short Questions

  1. Define Exceptional Children.
  2. Meaning of Gifted Children.
  3. Who are Backward Children?
  4. How will you Identify Creative Children.
  5. Educational Programme of Delinquent Children.
  6. Define Mental Health.
  7. Factors that affect Mental Health of Child.
  8. Major Stresses of Modern life.
  9. Distinguish between Stress and anxiety.
  10. Techniques for Copying Stress.


Development of Educational System in India


1.         Give a detailed description of objectives & curriculum of Vedic education.

2.         Discuss Vedic Era in detail.

3.         Discuss salient features of Vedic education.

4.         What are the educational implications of Buddhism? Also point out demerits of Buddhist education.

5.         Give a detailed description of objectives, curriculum and methods of teaching & role of teacher in Buddhist education.

6.         Compare Buddhist system of education with Vedic system of education.

7.         Discuss Muslim education in India with special reference to the following. Aims of education, Curriculum & methods of teaching.


1.         Ultimate aim of Vedic education.

2.         What do you mean by Nididhyasana method?

3.         Explain basic truths of Buddhism.

4.         Discuss Ashtang Marg.

5.         Explain Pababja ritual.

6.         Describe Upsampada ritual.

7.         What were the methods of teaching during Muslim period?

8.         What do you mean by Bismillah Khani?

9.         What do you mean by Zarifshani.?

10.       What was the system of rewards in Muslim Era’s Education?


1.         Discuss Macaulay’s minute of 1835.

2.         Write a short note on Bentinck’s Resolution and main recommendations of Macaulay minute.

3.         Write a detailed note on Macaulay’s Minute.

4.         What do you understand by the word ‘Literature’ & ‘Indian Scholar’ in Macaulay’s minute.

5.         Explain the main recommendations of Wood’s dispatch 1854.

6.         What are the merits & limitations of Wood’s dispatch? Draw your conclusions.

7.         Discuss Wood’s dispatch 1854 as a landmark document of British education in India.

8.         Describe the main recommendations of First Indian Education Commission 1882.

9.         State the aims (terms of references) of first Indian education commission 1882. Show your acquaintance with main recommendation of the commission. Point out the defects & draw your conclusions.

10.       “Sadler’s Commission report had far reaching consequences upon the development of University in India as a whole” Justify the statement giving the main recommendations of the report.

11.       In spite of some defects the Calcutta University Commission wielded far greater influence on Indian education, Discuss.

12.       Explain salient features & recommendation of Wardha scheme of education.

13.       Make an outline of the seven year course i.e. curriculum of Wardha scheme of education.

14.       Discuss the impact of Wardha scheme on Indian education.

15.       What are the qualities of Wardha scheme of education? What makes basic education ‘basic”. Point out the defects of Wardha scheme of education?


1.         Explain downward filtration theory.

2.         What were the limitations of Wood’s dispatch?

3.         What is the significance of the word ‘Basic’ in Wardha scheme of Education?

4.         Explain craft centered education.

5.         Discuss the time table of Wardha scheme of education.

6.        Curriculum of Wardha scheme of education.

7.         Function of CABE.

8.        What do you mean by NAAC?

9.        Criticize Macauly’s Minutes.

10.       Meaning of the word Literature.


1.         State the terms of references of Radhakrishanan Commission 1948-49. Discuss its recommendations regarding aims & standard of teaching.

2.         State the merits & demerits of University Education Commission 1948-49.

3.         Examine critically the curricular changes that took place at secondary school stage as a result of the implementation of the Secondary Education Commission 1952-53 recommendations.

4.         Discuss the Aims of Education as conserved by Indian Education commission (1964-66)

5.         State the aims & terms of reference of Secondary Education Commission

(1952-53). Mention the defects of secondary education as pointed out by Secondary Education Commission.

6.         Discuss the impact of Secondary Education Commission report on Indian Education.

7.         State the defects of curriculum as pointed out by Secondary Education Commission. Show your familiarity with principles of curriculums construction as suggested by the commission.

8.         What are the merits & demerits of Secondary Education Commission?

9.         What are the recommendations of Indian Education commission regarding Aims of Education 1964-66?

10.       Enlist recommendations of Indian Education Commission 1964-66 regarding educational structure & standards.

11.       Outline the main recommendations of Indian Education commission regarding curriculum & curriculum reforms.

12.       Why was Indian Education commission set up (1964-66) specifying the main recommendations of this commission pertaining to primary education?

13.       Discuss briefly the aims of education as suggested by Indian Education commission (1964-66). To what extent have those goals been realized by the end of 20th country in India.


1.         What do you mean by Vocationalization of Education?

2.         What do you mean by ‘Education for All’?

3.         What are the functions of NCTE?

4.         Explain the functions of UGC.

5.         Explain common school system.

6.         What do you mean by self supporting Education?

7.         What is a Navodya Vidyalaya?

8.         What were the defects in textbooks according to Indian Education commission 1964-66?

9.         What are the functions of DIET?


1.         State briefly the Constitutional provisions of education in India.

2.         What is the Article 45 of the constitution? What steps have been taken by the government to implement the directive of the constitution?

3.         What are the important Constitutional provisions regarding education in India? Do you think still that education should be a concurrent subject?

4.         Write a detailed note on “Education on the concurrent list”.

5.         “Education should be a State subject” Discuss. “Education is the responsibility of Federal Govt”. Justify the statement

6.         Should education be in the concurrent list? If so, why? If not, why not?

7.         Give an account of National Policy on Education 1986 on Education for equality.

8.         Show your acquaintance with implementation of National Policy on Education 1986.

9.         Describe National Policy on Education 1986 on reorganization of education at different stages, & Vocationlization of Education.

10.       Why was National policy on Education 1986 revised? Discuss its modified recommendations.

11.       Give an account of Revised National Policy on Education 1992 on Education for Equality.

12.       State briefly the salient features of revised National Policy on Education    1992.

13.       What is an Open University? Discuss the mode of imparting education by an Open University?

14.       What is distance education? Discuss its characteristics in details.


1.         What is Open University?

2.         Discuss Article 45.

3.         Write the Preamble of our constitution?

4.         Discuss article 46 & article15 for weaker sections of the people.

5.         What are the modes of distance Education?

6.         Explain PCP.

7.         Discuss operation Black board

8.         Why was NPE 1986 revised?

9.         Discuss the problem of Distance Education.

10.       Importance of Distance Education.


 Essentials of Educational Technology and Management


  1. What do you mean by Educational technology? Differentiate it from Instructional Technology.
  2. Explain the meaning and concept of Educational technology in details.
  3. “There is not only one educational technology but several educational technologies”. Discuss the statement.
  4. Describe in detail the scope of educational technology.
  5. Explain hardware and software approach to education and their contribution towards effective teaching and learning.
  6. Explain the importance of Educational Technology.
  7. Explain the concept of Teaching and Learning.
  8. Justify the need for relating teaching to learning. How will you distinguish between teaching and learning?
  9. Explain the concept of learning with special reference to characteristics of learning.
  10. Discuss the relationship between teaching and learning.
  11. Explain the concept of communication with special reference to characteristics of communication.
  12. Discuss the steps (components & elements) involve in the communication process.
  13. Describe the principles of effective classroom communication.
  14. Explain the verbal and non-verbal communication in relation to the classroom situation with the help of examples.
  15. Explain different strategies (modes) of communication.
  16. As a teacher what do you like to do for bringing sufficient efficiency & effectiveness in the classroom communication?
  17. State the meaning of Mass Media. What is the role of Mass Media in teaching learning process?
  18. What are the different types of Media? State advantages and limitations of print media.
  19. What are the principles or criteria for the selection and use of multi media approach?
  20. Explain the use of computer and internet in Teaching Learning Process.

Short Notes

  1. What do you mean by Educational Technology?
  2. Explain hardware and software approach.
  3. Explain the verbal communication.
  4. What are the different types of Media?
  5. State the meaning of Mass Media
  6. Use of Radio.
  7. Process of Communication.
  8. Relationship of teaching and learning.
  9. Types of classroom Problems.


  1. Explain the concept and characteristics of micro teaching.
  2. Micro – Teaching is used for developing certain teaching skills. Discuss the teaching skill which can be developed with the help of micro teaching.
  3. What do you mean by micro teaching? Critically examine its applicability in our training college.
  4. Define Micro teaching. What is the importance of micro teaching for bringing improvement in education?
  5. How does behaviour modification take place through micro teaching?
  6. Explain the meaning of classroom interaction analysis. What is the assumption underlying interaction analysis?
  7. Describe Flander’s Ten Category system in detail by outlining, its encoding and decoding process.
  8. Describe behavior ratios and interaction variables and their use in studying teacher behavior.
  9. Which precautions should be observed in the use of Flanders’s Interaction Analysis? Mention the limitations of Flanders’s Interaction Analysis.
  10. What is action research? How does it differ from fundamental research? Explain the procedure of action research with the help of an example?
  11. Discuss the importance of Action Research. Explain the methodology of action research.
  12. What are the uses of action research for behavior modification and other functionaries?

Short Notes

  1. Role of Head master.
  2. Importance of School records.
  3. What is action research?
  4. What do you mean by microteaching?
  5. Discuss the importance of action research.
  6. Steps in Action Research.


  1. “As is the headmaster, so is the school.” Discuss.
  2. “The headmaster holds the key position in a school just as the captain of a ship holds the key position on a ship.” In the light of this statement discuss the importance of headmaster.
  3. “In a democratic organization, the head of the institution should realize the importance of democratic practices”. In the light of this statement, outline the relationship between the head of the institution and his colleagues.
  4. Write short note on Responsibilities of a headmaster.
  5. Discuss the important functions of a Head of a Higher School.
  6. From your personal study of some successful teachers, list some essential qualities which contributed to their success.
  7. “The pivot upon which an educational system works is the personality of the teacher”. In light of this statement discuss the essential characteristics of a good teacher.
  8. What is the value of code of conduct for teachers? Discuss.
  9. From your personal experience list some essential qualities of successful teachers.
  10. Elaborate a code of Professional Ethics for teachers. Why is it important?
  11. Explain the importance of school record. What record should be kept in a modern secondary school?
  12. What purpose does the sending of ‘Pupil’s Progress Report’ to the parents serve? Give suitable specimen of such a form.
  13. Bring out clearly the need and importance of school records.
  14. Who are the potential users of school records and registers? What is their serviceability to each user?

Short Questions

  1. Role of Teacher
  2. Role of Students.
  3. Relation between teacher and students.
  4. Explain the importance of school record.
  5. Institutional planning
  6. Mode of keeping school records.
  7. Cash book
  8. Log book
  9. Stock register
  10. Attendance register
  11. Define management.
  12. Democratic principles of school management.
  13. Implementations of institutional Planning.


  1. What is school Time Table? Discuss its need and importance.
  2. What general principles will you keep in mind while constructing Time Table for a higher secondary school?
  3. “A good Time Table is a mirror of smooth work in a school.” Explain the statement and briefly indicate the fundamental principles to be borne in mind while planning a balanced school Time Table.
  4. What is home work Time Table? Discuss the merits of home work.
  5. Which principles should govern the framing of Time Table? Do you think a time table is necessary for a school? Justify your answer.
  6. It is the time- table that supplies the frame work with in which the school proceeds. Comment.
  7. Is home-work very essential? Discuss its importance and limitations.
  8. Discuss the principles of Time Table construction giving examples whenever needed.
  9. What do you understand by ‘True Discipline’? How can a teacher promote good discipline amongst pupils?
  10. Discuss the old and new concept of Discipline. What is the importance of Discipline in school?
  11. “Indiscipline among students is a malady which can be cured by teacher alone.” Discuss.
  12. “Good Discipline is Self Discipline”. Discuss.
  13. “Remove hope and fear and there is the end of indiscipline.” Do you agree? Say how proper Discipline can be maintained in a school?
  14. What are the causes of indiscipline among school students?
  15. “As in Army, the Navy or the State, so in the school, the prerequisites, the very condition of existence, is Discipline.” How far do you agree with this view? Discuss.
  16. What is supervision? Give the area of supervision and inspection.
  17. What are the defect in the existing system of supervision and inspection of school? Suggest some remedies.
  18. Explain the main principles of effective supervision.
  19. Give some suggestion for the recruitment of supervision of school.
  20. What do you mean by NCC? What is the importance of this service in school?
  21. What do you mean by community resources?
  22. School assembly can serve as a focusing centre of all firms of extra life. Explain.
  23. What programme be included in the morning Assembly Session and why?

Short Questions

  1. What is school Time Table?
  2. What is homework Time Table?
  3. What is supervision?
  4. What do you mean by welfare services?
  5. Explain the main functions of NSS.
  6. Write down the importance of NSS.
  7. What do you mean by NCC?
  8. Morning Assembly
  9. Community resources?




1.         Throw light on the modern concept of guidance. Enumerate its major purposes.

2.         Discuss the need of Guidance in today’s scenario.

3.         What are the Principles of Guidance? Discuss its objectives in detail.

4.         What do you mean by Guidance services? What are the different types of information services to be provided in a secondary school setting?

5.         What do educational & Occupational information services mean? Discuss its role in a school?

6.         Describe different methods of disseminating occupational & educational information.

(Short Questions)

1.         Meaning of Guidance.

2.         Purpose of Guidance in school.

3.         Role of Guidance in adolescent’s life.

4.         Educational information services.

5.         Occupational information services.

6.         Individual information services.

7.         Sources of collecting educational information.

8.         Sources of collecting occupational information.

9.         Benefits of Guidance for the students.

10.       Distinguish between Guidance and Assistance.


7.         What is meant by counseling? How does it differ from Guidance? Discuss the significance of counseling in schools.

8.         Give comparative explanation of Directive & Non-Directive approaches of counseling.

9.         What is Non-Directive counseling? Describe in detail the features & importance of Non-Directive counseling.

10.       What is directive approach? Discuss its role in counseling.

11.       Define counseling interview. Explain its steps, merits & demerits.

12.       What are the qualities of an effective counselor? Explain with examples his role in school counseling?

13.       What do you mean by organization of guidance & counseling programs in   school? Discuss the Role of Head, Teacher & Counselor in running an effective Guidance programme.

(Short Questions)

  1. What is meant by counseling?
  2. What is Non-Directive counseling?
  3. What is directive approach?
  4. Define counseling interview.
  5. Role of Head.
  6. Role of Teacher.
  7. Importance of Counseling.
  8. Counseling programs in   school.

PAPER V (b) option (iv)



  1. Explain the meaning and nature of values.
  2. Show your acquaintance with classification of values. What is the modern classification of educational values?
  3. What are the sources of values?
  4. Explain the need or importance of value-oriented education?
  5. List out reasons for value crisis.
  6. Write down the concept of culture. Explain its characteristics also.
  7. Describe the strategies of promoting culture among students at elementary and secondary school stage according to programme of action (1992).
  8. What are key recommendations in New Education Policy on Value education?

Section-A (Short Notes)

  1. Definitions of Values.
  2. Nature of Value.
  3. Write down the classification of values in short.
  4. Value crisis as recommended by New Education Policy.
  5. Reasons for Value Crisis.
  6. Concept of Culture.
  7. Strategies of promoting culture among students.


  1. Describe value classification technique and role playing technique with illustration as strategies for value orientation.
  2. Give your critical view in present scenario of value orientation in teacher education.
  3. Suggest some key reforms to make teacher education programme more value based.
  4. Write total atmosphere and attitude development approach for value orientation.
  5. Explain any methodology with examples for inculcating values among students.

Section-B (Short Notes)

  1. Write note on value sheet method.
  2. Explain Role- Playing Technique and Case-Method for Value Orientation.
  3. Short notes on:-

(a)    Experimental approach

(b)   Value classification technique

(c)    Critical inquiry approach

(d)   What do you understand by Teacher-Education?

PAPER-V (b) (v)


Section A

  1. What is measurement? How is different from evaluation?
  2. What is educational measurement? Discuss its need.
  3. What is the meaning of correlation? What is its range?
  4. What is educational Measurement? Discuss its need.
  5. Explain the Correlation coefficient by Spearman’s method.
  6. Calculated Mean, Median and S.D from the following data:


Short Questions

  1. Discuss different types of Scale of Measurement.
  2. What is the meaning of Standard Score?
  3. What is meaning of Correlation? What is its range?
  4. What is Quartile?
  5. What is Measurement?
  6. What is Evaluation?
  7. What is the meaning of correlation?
  8. Find out S.D from the following data:

A: 30 40 50 60 70

B:  40 30 50 80 90

Section B

  1. What is validity? Discuss various method of estimating validity
  2. Define reliability. Discuss various method of estimating reliability of a test.
  3. What do you mean by usability of a test? How we calculate?
  4. What is an objective type test? Discuss its advantages and limitations.
  5. What is Test-reliability? Give its types

Short Questions

  1. What are the advantages and limitations of Essay Type Test?
  2. Discuss different types of Scales of Measurement.
  3. Discuss the qualities of a good test.
  4. What is validity?
  5. What is Test-Reliability?
  6. What is an Objective Type Test?
  7. What do you mean by Usability of a test



Section A

  1. What are the aims and objective of Physical Education? Can they be achieved through participating in exercise and sports?
  2. What are the effects of exercise on circulatory system?
  3. Do you think the sex difference affect the sports performance? Write in detail.
  4.  What do you understand by Physical Fitness? Explain the component of Physical Fitness?
  5. Explain in detail the relationship of age to Physical Activities and Sports.
  6. What is the relation of sex difference with exercise?
  7. What is Flexibility? Describe its importance for Sportsman.
  8. What is tobacco smoking? Write the harmful effects of smoking on human body

Short Questions

  1. Explain the concept of Health.
  2. Physical Education and sports are diametrically opposite. Comment.
  3. Define Physical Education.
  4. Effect of exercises on respiratory system
  5. Define Physical Education and explain its aims.
  6. Effect of Alcohol on Sports.
  7. Briefly explain the effects of Nicotine on Health.

Section B

  1. Name the elements of Balanced Diet
  2. Describe the merits and demerits of Knock-out Tournament.
  3. What are the different types of vitamins? Explain them.

Short Questions

  1. Give the definition and types of Posture.
  2. Causes and correlation exercises of Lordosis.
  3. Briefly explain the effects of Nicotine on Health.
  4. Give the definition and types of Posture.
  5. What is the Value of Sports meet for Educational Institutions?
  6. Write down the merits of Knock-out Tournament.

PAPER V (B) (ii)


Section-A (Long Questions)

1.   Explain the concept of Population Education. What are the misconception regarding population education

2.   Explain the effects of Population growth on Educational development in India.

3.   Difference between Population Education and Sex Education or Family life Education.

4.   Impact of population growth on Environment and Natural resources.

5.   “Health and Nutrition of the people”. Discuss.

6.  Explain the scope of Population Education.

7.   Bring out the importance of Teacher in imparting Population Education.

8.   What do you understand by Population Education? Discuss its nature and scope.

9.   Discuss-the impact of population growth by giving suitable example from developed and developing countries on the

(i)   Education development of a country.

(ii)  Health and Nutrition of the people.

  1. Role of teacher in Population Education.
  2.  Describe the Aims and objectives of Population Education, in your point of view.
  3. Define Population Education. Bring out the importance of Population Education in Indian Context.
  4. What is the co-relational technique of teaching Population Education? Give examples to clarify your points of view.
  5. Describe any two methods of teaching Population Education in schools. Describe their merits and weaknesses.

Section-A (Short Questions)

1.   Define Population Education.

2.   Objectives of Population Education.

3.   Impact of Population Growth on Urbanization.

4.   Need of Population Education in India.

5.   Importance of Population Education in Indian Context.


1.   Critically analysis the role of Government and Non-Government agencies concerning population Education.

2.   Explain the place of co-curricular activities in organization of Population Education programmes in Schools and Colleges.

3.   “Teacher normally skip the chapter on population education given in the school books” Discuss.

4.   In what way Population concepts be integrated in Math and Science.

5.   “Only a burning lamp can light another candle” Discuss with reference to Population Education.

6.   “The schools can be an important source of teaching Population Education by organizing co-curricular activities in them” Discuss.

7. Compare and contrast the role of government and non government agencies in imparting population education. In your opinion which agency is more effective and why?

  1. What according to you is the role of teacher in Population education? What are the problems faced by teacher in imparting population education.
  2. Critically Discuss the Scenario of population in India. How is the growth of population effecting the socio-economic development of India?
  3. Role of curricular and co-curricular activities in Population Education Programs.
  4. Morning Assembly and Population Education.
  5. Role of Literary contests to teach Population Education to the students.
  6. Two activities to be organized in school, which can be exploited to teach Population Education to the students.




1. English should be taught as a language for its utility and not for any literary purpose. Explain.

2. Why should English be taught in India when it is spoken by not more than 3% of the population?

3. Critically examine the statement, “English has become one of the major languages of the world and Indians can neglect its study at their own risk.”

4. “English can never penetrate to the masses; Hindi alone can fulfill this function.” Critically examine this statement.

5. The standards of teaching and learning English are falling in India. Elucidate the reasons and give suggestions to raise the standards.

6. There are many people in India who were taught English some decades ago by teachers not trained in modern techniques of teaching foreign/second languages. Even so, many of such people acquired a good command of English. Why should it be necessary then to adopt new techniques now?

7. Give arguments criticizing the use of mother-tongue in the English classroom. Is there any justification for its use?

8. How far do you think does the mother-tongue interfere with the teaching of English?

9. What remedies do you suggest for improving the standards of English in India?

10. “We cannot be ourselves alone in this world of internationalism.” In the light of the statement, discuss the importance of English in India.

11. What are the causes of poor pronunciation of English among Indian students? As a teacher how will you remedy them?

12. To learn a foreign language, thinking in that language is absolutely essential. Discuss.

13. “Language is a system of systems.” How many main systems are involved? How is writing related to these systems? What are the main conclusions which language teachers can draw from these ideas about how they should teach?

14.”Language is so important an element of human society that without it all cultural activities would remain dormant and all human experience would be rendered insignificant.” Discuss

15. What are the general principles of language learning and teaching? Explain each principle from your experience of class-room teaching.

16. How does the Bilingual Method of teaching English differ from the Grammar-Translation and the Direct Method of teaching English? Elucidate with examples.

17. How does the Bilingual Method differ from the Translation Method? Is there any full-proof method of teaching English to Indian students?

18 “The structural Approach has been developed to fill in the gaps of Direct Method.” Explain.

19. “Direct Method ensures fluency, Grammar-Translation Method ensures accuracy, but Bi-lingual method ensures both.” Discuss.

20. “Situational Approach has been developed to fill in the gaps of Direct Method.” Explain.

21. What is Situational Teaching? How can the teacher of English make use of situation for making teaching of English effective?

22. What is the difference between vowels and consonants? Explain the mechanism behind the production of pure vowels.


1.         English as international language.

2.         English as link language.

3.         Knowledge of English is a successful passport for employment.

4.         English as our window on the modern world.

5.         English as library language.

6.         Define language.

7.         Language is unique.

8.         Language relates to culture.

9.         Language is a system of systems.

10.       Learning a language is a matter of habit formation. Discuss.

11.       Distinguish between word stress and sentence stress. Illustrate your answer.

12        Explain with examples, the main features of English pronunciation.

13.       What are the characteristics of good class-room speech?


26. Explain the various methods of teaching Reading to the Beginners in English. Which method will you follow for teaching Reading and why?

27. How is the teaching of extensive reading different from intensive reading? Explain by giving examples.

28. Reading aloud is better than silent reading .Comment.

29. How will you promote reading habits in school children?

30. What is the nature of reading comprehension? What are the comprehension difficulties of Indian students? How will you help them overcome these difficulties?

31 What is wrong with the present approach to the teaching of vocabulary? Suggest a few modern devices for this purpose. Suggest some ways and means for the expansion of the pupil’s vocabulary.

32. What are the uses of dictionary and thesaurus?

33. What is wrong with the teaching of grammar in our schools? What methods do you suggest for teaching grammar to pupils in India?

34. What do you understand by ‘Prescriptive’ Grammar and ‘Descriptive’ Grammar? Is grammar a servant or a master of language?


1.         Difference between intensive and extensive reading.

2.         Reasons for retardation in reading.

3.         Difference between reading a loud and silent reading.

4.         Letter and non-letter methods.

5.         What do understand by substitution table. Give example

6.         Use of dictionary and thesaurus.

7.         Model reading by the teacher.

8.         Reading aloud is better than silent reading. Comment.

9.         List four ways of expanding vocabulary by giving one example in each case.

10.       Difference between active and passive vocabulary.


35. When should writing skill be introduced? What are the initial difficulties in the way of teaching writing?

36. “Free composition should start only after several years of guided composition.” Discuss in the light of different stages of teaching composition.

37.It is through written composition that the children are trained in the ability of clear expression. Discuss.

 38. What are the active and passive vocabulary needs of the learners of English? How will you satisfy both these needs?

39. Suggest some ways and means for the expansion of the pupil’s vocabulary.

40. ‘Poetry cannot be taught; the teacher can only create conditions in which a poem may have its fullest possible significance for the pupils reading it.’ Discuss.

41. What are the arguments in favour of and against the teaching of poetry in the schools? What are your own views?

42.”Language teaching without the use of aids is rendered a dull process.”

43. How are audio- visual aids useful in teaching English? Illustrate your answer with examples.


1.         When should writing be introduced?

2.         What are the initial difficulties in the way of teaching writing?

3.         What are the remedial measures for bad handwriting?

4.         Short note on dictation and spellings.

5.         What is guided composition?

6.         What is free composition?

7.         Discuss the place of poetry in the teaching of English.

8.         Should poetry be included in a school course of teaching English?

9.         Importance of A-V aids in Teaching of English.

10.       Short note on language laboratory.


44. What do you understand by ‘Objective based tests’? How would you construct such tests in English? Give adequate examples.

45. Distinguish between objective type, Essay type and Short Answer type questions and explain the relevance of each type in measuring achievement in English language at various levels of schooling.

46. Why is it necessary to plan scheme of work? Is the present system of planning lessons in English satisfactory? What are your suggestions?

47. What are the ingredients of a good lesson plan? Give in general the procedure for a lesson in English (on a topic of your choice)


1.         What do you understand by ‘objective based test’?

2.         Give a few examples of test items for testing.

            (i) Speaking ability        (ii) Vocabulary.

3.         Write a note on the importance of examination.

4.         We cannot separate teaching and testing. Explain.

5.         List out the essentials of a good test.

6.         What are the ingredients of a good lesson plan?

7.         Give in general the procedure for a lesson in English on a topic of your choice.

8.         Why is it necessary to plan scheme of work?

9.         A lesson on grammar for class VII.

10.       A poetry lesson for class X.

Paper VI & VII option (ii)


Section A

  1. Explain the concept of social studies.
  2. Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of social studies.
  3. What is the important of social studies as a school subject?
  4. Write notes on
    1. Relation of S.St with Social Sciences.
    2. Relation of S.St with Languages
    3. Relation of S.St with Arts.
    4. Relation of S.St with Mathematics.
    5. Relation of S.St with Science.
    6. Discuss the importance of aims and objectives for teaching any subject.
    7. What are the aims of teaching Social Studies in democratic setup of India?
    8. Discuss the aims and objective of teaching social studies at secondary level or stage.
    9. What principles should be kept in mind while constructing Social Studies curriculum?
    10. Write in detail the concentric approach of curriculum construction. Discuss its merit and demerits.

10.  What is Topical Approach of curriculum construction? Discuss its merits and demerits.

11.  What is Unit Approach of curriculum construction? How is it better from Concentric and Topical Approaches?

Short Notes

12.  Meaning of Social Studies.

13.  Distinguish between Social Studies and Social Science

14.  Any two principles for the construction of Social Studies curriculum.

15.  Give a clear view of scope of social studies in modern times.

16.  Discuss the importance of Concentric System in framing syllabus of Social Studies.

17.  Topical approach of organization of social studies curriculum.

18.  Describe objective of social studies.

Section B

19.  What is meant by Story Telling Method? What are its advantage and disadvantages?

20.  Discuss Lecture Method. What are its merits and demerits?

21.  What do you mean by Discussion Methods? Discuss its merits and demerits.

22.  What are characteristics of Project Method? As a teacher how can you use this method effectively?

23.  What is Source Method? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

24.  “Teaching devices are the teacher’s tool and if good work is to be produced the right tools must be used in the right way”. What do you mean by teaching devices? Its types and Important of teaching devices.

25.  Write the purpose and characteristics of Assignment.

26.  What are the main characteristics of Questioning?

27.  What is meant by illustration? Give suggestions for teaching through illustration.

28.  Write notes on (a) Exposition

                                  (b) Review  

                                  (c) Drill Work

29.  What is the advantage of Home work? Give suggestions for assigning Home work

Short Notes

30.  Merits of discussion method.

31.  Assignment as a device.

32.  Discuss the source method in teaching of social studies.

33.  Write down characteristics of questioning device.

34.  Enumerate practical difficulties in discuss method in social studies.

35.  Write down characteristics of good assignment device.

36.  Advantages of Problem Solving Method.

37.  Merits of Objective Type Test.

Section C


38.  What is the need of a Social Studies Room?

39.  What are the equipments, instruments and material required for a Social Studies Room?

40.  Explain the importance of Social Studies Room. As a Social Studies teacher how can you maintain Social Studies Room?

41.  Write the importance of Social Studies Text Book?

42.  What is the utility of Text Book of Social Studies?

43.  Discuss the qualities of good Textbook on Social Studies.

44.  What are teaching aids? Discuss their importance in teaching of social studies.

45.  Discuss the importance of  (A) Chalk Board

                                                            (B) Bulletin Board

                                                            (C) Flannel Board in Teaching of Social Studies  

46.  What is the utility of map and globe in teaching of social studies? As a teacher how will you use them?

47.  Write note on  a) Pictures

                                       b) Chart

                                       c) Graph

                                       d) Time line

                                       e) Television, Radio

                                      f) V.C.R, Cassettes

                                      g) Epidiascope, Slide, Projector, Opaque Projector and                                                    Overhead Projector

                                      h) Specimens

                                      i) Field Trips

48.  Discuss the qualities and qualifications of social studies teacher.

49.  What are the duties and functions of social studies teacher?

Short Notes

50.  Importance of Audio- Visual Aids.

51.  Requirement of Social Studies Laboratory.

52.  Professional qualities of Social Studies Teacher.

53.  Purpose of audio-visual aids in social studies.

54.  How would you equip social studies room?

55.  What is place of text book in the teaching of social studies.

56.  What is the importance of audio-visual aids in teaching of social studies.

57.  Discuss the criteria of a good text book in social studies.

58.  Use of overhead project.

Section D

59.  What is Evaluation? Discuss its importance.

60.  What is the purpose of Evaluation in social studies?

61.  Discuss the basic principles of Evaluation. What are the main features of good evaluation technique?

62.  What are the merits and demerits of Easy Type Tests?

63.  What is meant by Objective Type Test? Discuss its advantages and limitations.

64.  What is the need of learning current affairs in social studies?

65.  What criteria should be adopted for selecting current events?

66.  As a Social Studies Teacher, how will you utilize community resources?

67.  What is Lesson Planning? Discuss its importance.

Short Notes

68.  Importance of current affairs.

69.  Evaluation in teaching of social studies.

70.  Steps of Lesson Plan.

71.  Give any three new type tests in social studies.

72.  What is the value of objective type tests in social studies?

73.  Write any three basic principles of evaluation.

74.  Need of learning current affairs in social studies.

75.  Merits of Essay Type Test.

Paper VI & VII ( ii)



  1. Discuss meaning and scope of Economics.
  2. Describe aims & objectives of teaching of Economics at secondary level.
  3. Throw light on the importance & role of Economics in education.
  4. Define correlation? What are the types of correlation?  Correlate Economics with various subjects.
  5. Explain the meaning of Economics given by different Economists? Discuss its features in detail.
  6. Discuss Objectives of teaching of Economics at higher level?
  7. Why Economics is called both Science and an Art?
  8. Discuss the role of Correlation in Economics.
  9. 9.      Define role of Economics in daily life.

Short Answer

10.  Describe meaning of economics.

11.  Write 2 aims of teaching of Economics at secondary level.

12.  What is the importance of Economics in education?

13.  What is the aim of teaching of Economics?

14.  Define correlation and its types.

15.  Correlate Economics with

16.  a)         Mathematics                 b)         Science            c)         Psychology

17.  d)         History             e)         Geography       f)          Political Science

18.  g)         Agriculture                    h)         General Science.


19.  What principles would you keep in mind while constructing curriculum of economics?

20.  Discuss in detail the Concentric Approach of organizing material of Economics.  Illustrate with example.

21.  What is mean by unit? Discuss unit approach of organizing subject matter of Economics.

22.  Define Topical Approach? Discuss in detail topical approach of organizing subject matter of Economics with merits & demerits.

23.  Discuss in detail the qualities & duties of an Economics Teacher.

24.  On what principles the Curriculum of Economics should be constructed?

25.  Explain different Approaches of Organization material of Economics Curriculum in detail.

26.  What Qualities do you think should be present in an ideal Economics Teacher?

27.  Explain the duties performed by an Economics Teacher. Write Principles of constructing curriculum of economics.

Short Questions

28.  Merits of concentric approach.

29.  Define unit approach with its merits.

30.  How topical approach is useful in teaching of Economics?

31.  Qualities of Ideal Economics Teacher.

32.  Duties of ideal Economics Teacher

33.  Meaning of Textbook.


34.  Define Test Books? What are the criteria of selecting good textbooks of Economics?

35.  What is the importance of Textbook? Can you do away with textbooks?

36.  Explain Lecture Method of teaching. What steps would you take to make this method really helpful to the pupils?

37.  Discuss Inductive –Deductive method of teaching of Economics.

38.  What do you know about discussion method? Discuss procedure, advantages & limitations of it.

39.  Explain problem-solving method of teaching of Economics.

40.  How survey method is useful for teaching of Economics. Discuss in detail.

41.  Describe maxims of teaching Economics illustrate your answer with example.

42.  What do you mean by illustration? Discuss its role in teaching of Economics.

43.  Define questioning? Discuss what points to be kept in mind while using questioning technique in Teaching of Economics.

44.  Distinguish between seminars & symposium Technique in teaching of Economics? Discuss its merits & demerits in detail.

45.  What are different techniques in teaching of Economics? Discuss it in detail.

Short Questions

46.  Questioning techniques of teaching of Economics.

47.  Assignment technique of teaching of Economics.

48.  Seminars technique of teaching of Economics.

49.  Illustration technique of teaching of Economics.

50.  Symposium technique of teaching of Economics


51.  Describe meaning, importance & types of teaching aids used in teaching of Economics?

52.  What do you mean by essay types list? Discuss merits & demerits of these tests with example?

53.  Discuss short and objective type tests in Economics in details.

54.  What do you mean by evaluation? Explain its needs and tools of evaluation.

  1. 55.      Prepare a lesson plan of Economics of Class Xth

56.  Define lesson planning? Discuss its need in actual classroom situation.

57.  Define Teaching Aids. What is the role of teaching aids in teaching learning process?

58.  Explain different types of teaching aids that should be used in teaching of Economics.

59.  Explain the difference between Projected and Non- Projected types of teaching aids used in Economics.

60.  Explain difference between Essay type and Short answer type? Which one is more effective type of evaluation in Economics?

61.  Describe the importance of lesson planning for Economics teacher.

Short Questions

62.  Uses of Teaching aids

  1. Chalk
  2. Graphs
  3. Board
  4. Charts
  5. Radio
  6. T.V
  7. OHP
  8. Maps

63.  Need of Lesson Planning.

64.  Need of Evaluation.

65.  Essay type test.

66.  Short answer type tests.

67.  Objective type tests.

68.  Importance of Evaluation.

Paper VI & VII option (ii)



  1. Explain the concept of Commerce.
  2. Discuss the nature, scope and objectives of teaching of elements of commerce at school level.
  3. Why Commerce is called both Science and Art?
  4. Discuss the importance of proper equipment and materials for effective  instruction     
  5. What is the importance of Commerce as a school subject?
  6. Discuss the important aims and objectives for teaching commerce.
  7. What Criteria will you keep in mind while selecting text books, reference books and journals for commerce students?
  8. Discuss the aims and objective of teaching Commerce at secondary level or stage.
  9. Discuss the qualities of good Textbook on Commerce.

10.  What are teaching aids? Discuss their importance in teaching of Commerce.

11.  Discuss the physical facilities, equipment and instructional materials necessary for the project.

12.  What is the importance of audio-visual aids in teaching of Commerce.

13.  What is the utility of Text Book of Commerce?

Short Notes

14.  Meaning of Commerce.

15.  Nature of Commerce

16.  Meaning of Textbook.

17.  Importance of text-book.

18.  Importance of instructional material in Commerce

19.  Give a clear view of scope of commerce in modern times.

20.  Describe objectives of Commerce.

Section B

21.  Discuss the General principles for teaching of commerce

22.  What Competencies are desired of commerce students passing out senior secondary stage?

23.  Critically analyse the Lecture Method.

24.  What do you mean by Discussion Methods? Discuss its merits and demerits.

25.  What is Role Playing Method? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

26.  Critically analyse the Discussion Method.

27.  What is Case study Method? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

28.   Discuss various Group Dynamic Techniques in teaching general business subjects.

29.  Write the purpose and characteristics of Assignment.

30.  What do you mean by illustration? Discuss its role in teaching of commerce.

31.  Define questioning? Discuss what points to be kept in mind while using questioning technique in Teaching of Commerce

32.  Distinguish between seminars & Symposium Technique in teaching of commerce? Discuss its merits & demerits in detail.

33.  What is meant by illustration? Give suggestions for teaching through illustration.

34.  Discuss various techniques of teaching commerce subjects:

35.  Discuss the analysis of learning experience- direct and contrived experience.

36.  Discuss the importance of source methods in commerce.

37.  How will you help your students to Plan and write assignments.

38.  Discuss various Community resources which can be used to make teaching of Commerce effective

39.  As a Commerce Teacher, how will you utilize community resources?

Short Notes

40.  Merits of discussion method.

41.  Discuss the source method in teaching of Commerce.

42.  Write down characteristics of questioning device.

43.  Types of Questions

44.  Various types of responses.

45.  Merits of questioning

46.  Drill technique

47.  Symposium technique of teaching of Commerce.

48.  Merits of Assignment

49.  Characteristics of good Questions.

50.  Merits of Visual Aids

51.  Demerits of Discussion Method

52.  Narration as a technique of teaching commerce.

53.  Field trips

54.  Dramatization.

55.  Observation

56.  Advantages of Illustration.

57.  Function of Examination.

58.  Write down characteristics of good assignment device.



59.  Discuss the qualities and qualifications of Commerce teacher

60.  Discuss the importance of grading and recording test results.

61.  What Qualities do you think should be present in an ideal Commerce teacher

62.   “Teacher plays an important role in Evaluation “Discuss.

63.   What criteria you will follow while evaluating a general business educational programme in school

64.  Discuss the need of testing and various devices of testing

65.  How can test results be used for remedial measures?

66.  What are the duties and functions of Commerce teacher?

67.  What is Evaluation? Discuss its importance.

68.  What is the purpose of Evaluation in Commerce?

69.  How will you administer an aptitude test?

70.  What are the merits and demerits of Easy Type Tests?

Short Notes

71.  Evaluation in teaching of commerce

72.  What is the value of objective tests in commerce?

73.  Merits of Essay Type Test.

74.  Need of professional growth of Commerce teacher.

75.  Need of testing

76.  Use of aptitude test in commerce.

77.  System of grading and recording test results.

78.  Role of teacher in Evaluation

79.  Qualities of commerce teacher


80.  What is Lesson Planning? Discuss its importance.

81.  What is guidance? Discuss the importance of guidance progamme in general business subjects.

82.  Discuss the role and competencies of commerce teacher.

83.  Discuss the Co-curricular activities in teaching elements of commerce.

84.  Why should a teacher prepare his lesson? What main points should be considered in this regard?

85.  Prepare a lesson plan of your own choice of class +1.

Short Notes

86.  Concept of lesson plan.

87.  Need of guidance in Commerce

88.  Importance of Co-curricular activities in commerce.

89.  Competencies of Commerce teacher.

90.  Importance of lesson plan

91.  Steps of lesson plan.

92.  Significance of Recapitulation in Lesson Plan

PAPER VI-VII (option iii)



  1. What are the aims of teaching Mathematics in secondary school? How far are these realized in actual practice?
  2. What is the place of mathematics in daily life and school curriculum?
  3. Define Mathematics. Explain relationship of Mathematics with physical sciences, social sciences and arts.
  4. What is the importance of library and laboratory in teaching of Mathematics? Discuss in detail.
  5. Should Mathematics be made optional or remain compulsory after class VIII?
  6. Discuss the place & importance of text book in Mathematics.
  7. Discuss different kinds of Mathematics textbooks. How can a teacher of Mathematics use textbook as a teaching aid?
  8. How will you evaluate math’s textbook?
  9. What is the application of Mathematics in daily life? Discuss in detail.
  10. What are the defects of present day Mathematics curriculum? Suggest improvements needed.



  1. Explain meaning & nature of mathematics.
  2. What is the relationship of Mathematics with Physics?
  3. Write a note on aims of teaching mathematics.
  4. Explain the place of mathematics in daily life.
  5. Write a note on values of teaching mathematics at high school stage.
  6. Write the principle of curriculum construction.
  7. What is the application of math in daily life?
  8. Suggest teaching aids for teaching relationship between circumference and diameter of a circle.
  9. Differentiate between syllabus & curriculum.
  10. Write five principles of curriculum construction.



  1. Explain analytical and synthetic methods in teaching  of mathematics with the help of examples. What are the merits and demerits.
  2. Heuristic method should be the essence of all method of teaching mathematics. Explain?
  3. Illustrate the use of analytic method of teaching mathematics with examples. What are its limitations?
  4. Explain inductive and deductive combination of teaching mathematics with the help of formula for (a+b)3
  5. What is Project method? Describe its procedure, merits and demerits in teaching of mathematics.
  6. Compare and Contrast Analytic Synthetic methods of Teaching Mathematics. What is the Justification of Using Analytic Synthetic combination in Mathematics?
  7. What is Heuristic method of Teaching? Describe its procedure Merits, and Limitations in the teaching of Mathematics.
  8. How Laboratory method is used for teaching of topic “The sum of angles of a triangle is 180” What are the merits and demerits of this method?
  9. Explain Inductive- Deductive Method? Why Inductive method is incomplete without deductive method explain by giving suitable examples.

Short Questions

  1. Importance of Oral work in Mathematics
  2. Limitation of Inductive method of teaching Mathematics
  3. Four Principles of Curriculum Construction
  4. Place of oral work in Mathematics
  5. Difference between Inductive-Deductive Methods.
  6. Steps involved in Project Method
  7. What do you mean by Laboratory Method?
  8. Write a short note on Home work.
  9. Explain drill as a technique of teaching Mathematics.
  10. Explain assignment as a technique of teaching mathematics.

Section C

  1. What Criteria should be followed to select content of secondary School Mathematics?
  2. What are the limitations of Objective testing in Mathematics?
  3. Formulate objective and prepare three multiple choice test items on the topic.
  4. What is Curriculum? Discuss the Principles of Curriculum construction in mathematics.
  5. Explain the difference between Examination and Evaluation. How wlll you improve present system of evaluation?
  6. Explain principles of Curriculum construction in mathematics.
  7. Discuss the main defects in the Present day teaching mathematics in our schools. What steps would you take to remove them?
  8. Define Evaluation. Differentiate between Examination and Evaluation. What are the characteristics of good evaluation test?
  9. Explain the principles of Curriculum construction, Selection and Organization.

Short Questions

  1. Difference between Examination and Evaluation.
  2. Merits and demerits of Essay type tests in Mathematics
  3. Main three defects in teaching of Mathematics
  4. Characteristics of a good test.
  5. Limitations of Objective type tests.
  6. Differentiate between Essay type and objective type tests.
  7. Write the principles of Curriculum Construction.
  8. Limitations of Objective type tests.

Section D

  1. What do you mean by Lesson Planning? Discuss the need and importance of Lesson Planning in detail.
  2. Describe the Characteristics of a lesson plan. Prepare a lesson plan on any topic of Mathematics of class Xth
  3. Write a lesson Plan on any one of the following
    1. Properties of Multiplication on Integers
    2. Sum of angles of Quadrilateral is 360 degree.
    3. Compound Interest
  1. What are the different Herbation steps of Lesson Planning? What main principles are involved in lesson planning.
  1. What are the Characteristics of a good lesson plan? Mention the need and importance of preparing a lesson plan.
  2. Explain why a teacher should go well prepared in the classroom? Elaborate determinants of effective teaching.

Short Questions

  1. What are the essentials of Lesson Planning?
  2. How will you introduce a Lesson on Pythagoras Theorems?
  3. Write two Multiple Choice questions for the Topic Trigonometric Ratio.
  4. Characteristics of a good test.
  5. What are the determinants of Effective Teaching?


Paper VI & VII



  1. Discuss the impact of science and technology on our modern living and globalization. Write the effect of globalization on modern living.
  2. Define globalization. Write the effect of globalization on modern living.
  3. Discuss the correlation of science with other school subjects and daily life.
  4. Discuss Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives.
  5. What are instructional objectives? Discuss their relationship with general aims and objective in relation to science teaching.
  6. Discuss in detail general objective of teaching science at secondary level.
  7. Explain the meaning of curriculum. Critically analyze the science curriculum of 10th class (CBSE).
  8. Elaborate the main principles of curriculum construction.
  9. What is the difference between syllabus and curriculum? Justify the place of science in school curriculum.
  10. What do you mean by taxonomy of educational objectives? Discuss in detail the taxonomy provided in cognitive domain.
  11. Differentiate between :

   (i) Aims & objectives of teaching Science.

   (ii) Instructional objectives & Specific objectives.

  1. Write five instructional objectives of knowledge, understanding, application, objectives of following topics.

   (i) Heat    (ii) Photosynthesis         (iii) Solar system.


  1. Compare lecture method and lecture cum demonstration method. Which method do you think is best for teaching science in Indian conditions and why?
  2. Discuss in detail Heuristic method.
  3. Elaborate project method along with its merits and demerits.
  4. What are the main steps involved in problem solving method?
  5. Compare inductive and deductive approach of teaching science.
  6. Discuss defects of present curriculum of science.
  7. “Present curriculum of Science is not curriculum indeed. It is just a jumbling of facts from different branches of science in an unorganized & unpsychological way.” Comment & suggest ways to improve the curriculum.
  8. Give merits & demerits of heuristic method. What precautions should teacher keep in mind in using this method?


  1. Explain the method, which can be adopted by a science teacher for his professional growth.
  2.  Discuss the qualifications and qualities of science teacher
  3. Explain the meaning of scientific attitude. Discuss the role of science teacher in the development of scientific attitude among students.
  4. Discuss the principles for selection of teaching aids.
  5. Give classification of A-V aids. Discuss the role of chalkboard and overhead projectors in teaching science.
  6. Give merits and demerits of use of chart, models, educational films and computers in teaching science.
  7. What is the importance of Science Textbook?
  8. Give the characteristics of a good Science Textbook.
  9. Discuss in detail Vogel’s checklist for evaluating science textbook.
  10. How will you organize science club in your school?
  11. Discuss the importance of Science Museum?
  12. What things will you keep in mind while organizing a science fair? Discuss its merits and demerits.


  1. What is the need of organizing practical work in science?
  2. What do you mean by improvised apparatus? Discuss the advantages of improvisation of science apparatus?
  3. Give 5 examples of improvised apparatus along with merits and demerits of improvisation?
  4. Differentiate between evaluation and examination. Discuss the defects of present system of evaluation.
  5. Explain the characteristics of good tool of evaluation.
  6. Compare essay type and objective type tests. Which type of tests do you think are best for evaluation and why?
  7. Discuss the importance of lesson planning in science. Give characteristics of a good lesson plan.
  8. Write main steps involved in Herbartion approach of lesson planning.
  9. Prepare a lesson plan on any topic of biology of 9th class.


  1. What is balanced diet? ‘A stomach full of food may not be a balanced diet’ comment?
  2. List main causes of Typhoid.
  3. Give preventive measures to be taken for Malaria.
  4. What is the role of poverty in spoiling good health?
  5. Define health. State conditions necessary for keeping good health.
  6. What do you understand by ozone layer depletion?
  7. Give two examples each of combination & displacement reaction.
  8. Give laws of reflection.
  9. Define Reflection and Refraction.
  10. List symptoms of Hepatitis & Typhoid.
  11. What are the main causes of air pollution?
  12. Give sources of water pollution.
  13. Identify the substances oxidized & reduced in following reactions:

(i)                  4Na+O2 – 2 Na2O

(ii)                 CuO+H2 – Cu+H2O

Paper-(VI &VII)

Methodology of Teaching of Physical Education

Unit 1

  1. What is Physical education? What are the aims and objectives of teaching physical education in school curriculum?
  2.  Discuss the relationship of Physical education with health education, Psychology and general education.
  3. Discuss the role of Physical Education in developing national and international integration.
  4. What is the concept of evaluation in physical education and what is the need and importance of evaluation?
  5. Discuss the merits and demerits of objectives type tests.

Short Question

    1. Difference between aim and objectives of physical education.
    2. Relationship of physical education with health education.
    3. Relationship of physical education with psychology.
    4.  Relationship of physical education with general education.
    5. Explain the role of Physical Education in developing international integration.
    6. What are the Characteristics of Evaluation?
  1. Define the objective type test.


Unit 2

  1. Explain the demonstration method and whole method in detail.
  2. Elaborate the need and importance of Audio Visual Aids in teaching of physical education.
  3.  Discuss the merits and demerits of lecture method.
  4. Write the main steps involved in project method.
  5. Compare whole method and part method. Which method do you think best suitable for teaching of Physical Education?
  6. Discuss the use of Chalk board, bulletin board and chart in teaching of Physical Education?
  7. Explain the use of T.V., Flannel board and pictures in Teaching of physical education along with their merits and demerits?
  8. What is the need and importance of physical education room and sports equipments in teaching of physical education?
  9. Describe the maintenance of sports equipment and purchase of sports equipment.

Short Question

    1. Merits and demerits of discussion method.
    2. Note on command method.
    3. Principles for selection of Audio Visual Aids.
    4. Explain the types of sports equipments in schools and colleges


Unit 3

  1. Mention the qualities and responsibilities of Physical Education teacher.
  2. Explain the need and importance of text books in Physical Education.
  3. Describe the qualities on the basis of which you will select a text book of Physical Education.
  4. What is the importance of lesson plan in teaching of Physical Education? Explain the General lesson plan and Specific lesson plan.

Short Question

    1. What are the responsibilities of Physical Education teacher?
    2. What are the qualities of Physical Education teacher?
    3. Explain the need and importance of good Physical Education text book?
    4. Discuss the specific lesson plan in physical education.
    5. What are the principles of lesson plan?
    6. Difference between General Lesson Plan and Specific lesson plan


Unit 4

  1. What is physical fitness? What are the basic components of physical fitness?
  2. Describe the methods for improving physical fitness?
  3. What is first aid? What is need and importance of first aid?
  4. What is the classification of pupils in Physical Education according to YMCA method?
  5. What is the difference between warming up and cooling down? Explain the meaning, types and importance of warming up and cooling down?


  Short Question

    1. Explain the types of equipments in school and colleges.
    2. Methods of classification of pupils.
    3. What is the importance of first aid?
    4. Describe between warming up and cooling down?
    5. What is the meaning of physical fitness?



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