The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is the cell that is formulated for monitoring the quality parameters in college. The committee was formulated based on the recommendations given by National Assessment Accreditation Committee.

The IQAC helps the Colleges in planning and monitoring. Further, the IQAC also gives the stakeholders or beneficiaries a cross-sectional participation in the institution’s quality enhancement activities.  IQAC helps the colleges to….

1. Develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of institutions
2. Make significant and meaningful contribution in the accreditation phase of institutions.
3. Channelize the efforts and measures of an institution towards academic excellence

Goals and Functions of IQAC

As highlighted in the UGC Guidelines, the goals of IQAC shall be:

1). To develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and catalytic programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the Higher Education Institutions ( HEI); and,

 2). To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

To attain these goals, the functions of IQAC shall be:

  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the HEI;
  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
  • Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
  • Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education;
  • Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
  • Documentation of the various programs/activities of the HEI, leading to quality improvement;
  • Acting as a nodal agency of the HEI for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of good practices;
  • Development and maintenance of Institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
  • Development of Quality Culture in HEI;
  • Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the HEI based on the quality parameters/assessment criteria developed by the relevant quality assurance body (like NAAC, NBA, AB) in the prescribed format;
  • Bi-annual development of Quality Radars (QRs) and Ranking of Integral Units of HEIs based on the AQAR;
  • Interaction with SQACs in the pre and post accreditation quality assessment, sustenance and enhancement endeavors.

Follow up

  • The AQAR shall be approved by the statutory bodies of the HEIs (such as Syndicate, Governing Council/Board) for the follow up action for necessary quality enhancement measures.
  • The Universities shall regularly submit the AQARs to the NAAC/other accreditation bodies. The Colleges shall regularly submit their AQARs to the affiliating University, state level quality assurance bodies, NAAC/other accreditation bodies.
  • All HEIs shall submit AQARs and/or Quality Radars (QRs) and follow up reports of AQARs to the UGC as and when called for.
  • The IQAC must create its exclusive window on its institutional website, to regularly report on its activities, as well as for hosting the AQAR.


To maintain high academic standards the college holds regular meeting of IQAC.In the light of  guidelines for the creation of the Internal Qualities Assurance Cell (IQAC) the composition of  the IQAC of the college is as under:-

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