E Libraries & Journals
Advancements in Technology is opened many doors in Education. The use of Computers can be a very effective way of learning from hands on experience. The College has a well furnished Computer Lab with all latest Computers, which caters to the need of B.Ed. students. The Computer Lab also having multimedia projector and internet facility to train the students comprehensively in all the modern technologies which will help them to be a good teacher. It is used for imparting practical training to the students and preparing them to use the computer as a problem-solving tool in teaching
In ICT resource center we have – television, OHP, LCD Projector, Tape recorder, Blank Cassettes, Transparencies, C.D and DVD, Digital camera, Video Camera, Mike with speakers. These facilities are used by teachers as well as by students for their presentation and other work.
The college also has a well-equipped laboratory with all the equipment necessary to carry of experiments required at school level and to develop the spirit of scientific attitude for prospective teachers. It is adequately stocked with sample required in biology. Chemical required for chemistry and other necessary equipment is also there. Working model of different topics of maths prepared by pupil teachers, mathematic kit is available in the lab.
Psychology lab is very important in any education college. In this lab we have different tests and tools to assess the intelligence, personality and creativity of the students. Proper Guidance and counseling services are also provided to students on issues ranging from those concerning with education to those relating personal matters of the heart. Pictures of eminent psychologist along with their achievement adorn the walls of this room. and a big bulletin board is also there for necessary information..